Home Boarding Terms and Conditions
Fees and Payments
The boarding fees must be paid in full prior to your dog's stay. The balance to be paid by BACS one month prior to boarding.
A daily rate will be applied regardless of drop off/collection times. (please see drop off and collection times listed).
All bookings require a deposit to secure the date. £15 per day for the first dog and £10 per day for subsequent dogs from the same family. This is non-refundable.
Payments are charged at per day (or part thereof) with a sliding scale applied to the day of collection dependant on time of collection.
Refunds and Cancellations
If you cancel your boarding you must give 1 months’ notice so that this date can be made available to other pet owners. Failure to do so will require you to pay 50% of the fees.
No future bookings will be allowed until prior cancellation fees are paid in full. This is non-negotiable. Notice of cancellation must be given by email and acknowledged by The Sighthound Savoy.
Dogs’ Health
Conditions of the boarding licence require that the dog's vaccinations are up to date or that a titre test has been carried out. (proof of this via vaccination card or titre result will be required)
Owners to ensure that dogs are free from parasites (fleas, worms, ticks) prior to boarding or they will not be admitted (wormcount results within 3 months accepted).
Flea infestation in a home boarding situation is a very serious matter and must be avoided at all costs. In the event of this being caused by your dog, The Sighthound Savoy will treat your dog (and our own) at your expense. In the event of this happening you may be additionally charged for household treatment.
We take no responsibility for your dog contracting any viral diseases while staying with us.
Please advise us IMMEDIATELY if your female dog is in season or due to come into season. Due to the nature of home boarding and the lack of confinement and although every effort would be made to prevent pregnancy, we can accept no responsibility should your dog become pregnant.
We cannot knowingly accept any bitches who are in season or who are highly likely to come into season for boarding.
If your dog has any health conditions which may affect their stay the owner must give full details and supply any medications with full information of administration and consent to administer.
Dogs’ Requirements
Owner to supply enough food for the duration of the stay.
Any medication required by the dog will be provided by the owner with specific instructions regarding administration.
Owner gives The Sighthound Savoy permission to take their dog to the vet to receive any medical attention that he/she may need, providing it is in the best interest of your dog. The Sighthound Savoy will phone the owner or the emergency contact immediately upon any reason that a dog may need medical attention.
Owner will pay any outstanding costs of vet bills and medication on collection of their dog that was required in their absence unless this is due to negligence where we will use our own insurance.
All dogs should be in a clean, groomed condition. Any dog requiring regular grooming should also be provided with appropriate grooming equipment.
An assessment prior to boarding is an essential element of the contract.
This will entail a ‘meet and greet’ at our home (free of charge) to introduce your dog to us and our resident dogs. If all parties are happy following this then a trial night will be booked prior to the booking being taken at a cost of one day’s boarding. This session will be used to assess your dog’s sociability with our own dogs and to see whether all parties involved are happy with the boarding arrangements.
On booking, you will be asked to complete a booking form and consent list. You will need to read and sign the booking form, consent list and terms and conditions prior to booking being agreed. You will need to complete all information in full and with specific details as required. The SIghthound Savoy may ask additional questions to ensure the best care for your dog.
Legal Requirements
We recommend, but do not insist, that your dog be insured against sickness, accident, or injury and for third party liability prior to boarding.
It is imperative that you provide an honest account of your dog’s behaviour so that The Sighthound Savoy can manage the environment and ensure your dog’s welfare is maintained.
A discussion at the initial meet and greet visit can avoid the situations below occurring:
· If your dog attacks, or is involved in a fight with, another dog (and/or person) causing injury to that dog (and /or person), the owner will be responsible for any losses incurred as a result including, but not limited to, payment of veterinary fees in respect of injuries to another animal caused by your dog.
· Any damage made to the property/possessions of The Sighthound Savoy will result in liability for reimbursement of the same.
· Should a dog’s behaviour become uncontrollable or unreasonable for any reason then the owner will accept that the dog could be placed in a boarding kennel at their own expense. The owner or emergency contact will always be contacted first before this decision is made.
· No dog registered under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 will be accepted for home boarding.
· Dogs boarding with The Sighthound Savoy must be well socialised and have no history of aggression towards people or other animals.
Drop off and collection times
Dogs can be dropped off/collected between 8.00am and 7.00pm but the times for both must be agreed at the time of booking.
This is to ensure that we have no cross over of dogs taking us over our boarding allowance on number of dogs.
One person/family should drop and collect the dog. If you need to nominate another person to do either we ask that you inform us of the name and phone number of that person. We will require the specified person to identify him or herself before removing your dog.
Identification in the form of a passport or driver’s license will be accepted. The dog will not be released to them without prior consent from the owner and you will be liable for any extra boarding charges should this occur.
This is for the safety and security of your dog.
Failure to collect dogs or make other arrangements to have dogs collected without prior communication could result in a refusal to board your dog again.
The Sighthound Savoy will;
Treat your dog as part of the family when they board with us. They will be treated with kindness and respect and in accordance with the Five Freedoms of the Animal Welfare Act. Only positive reinforcement practices are used in this household. We will not use physical punishment or negative actions towards your dog during their stay.
Provide a clean, dry, warm, draught-free bedding space; an area for your dogs to relieve themselves; food, fresh water, exercise to owner’s requirements and maintain the guest dogs’ normal routine as much as is possible.
Provide a TSS dog tag or embroidered collar for the duration of the dog’s stay. This will be removed upon collection of the dog by the owner.
Maintain security of the records provided of all current dogs under its care for immediate reference in accordance with GDPR and our Privacy Policy.
The Sighthound Savoy has the right to refuse boarding if your dog shows any aggression towards resident dogs or human family members or visitors or if we feel that our home would not be a suitable environment for your dog whilst you are away.